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...offers economical, sustainable and scalable shelter to create efficient and ergonomic living environments for displaced and transient people in crisis and/or need. We provide temporary and semi-permanent villages that are easily constructed, dismantled and relocated as required.  Dignity, Comfort, Security and Value, are cornerstones of our MIssion.

Current Challenges

facing Displaced Populations in the UK today



Unaddressed and growing UK Asylum-Seeking processing backlog (170k)


Housing Shortage

UK has 4.5m too few houses, adding to the pressure where social housing for young and working class is in short supply


Poor Value

Stop gap ‘Asylum Hotels’ contracted through questionable providers cost govt £8m/day for poor conditions, outcomes and value for money (reportedly £160/night)


Growing Need

Migrant flows are unlikely to ease due to escalating conflicts & climate crisis

Proposed Solutions

Rather than add more pressure to housing shortages already straining UK society, dHome proposes temporary, sustainable, scalable domed villages to simultaneously relieve public housing pressure, provide better value for tax-payers and offer dignified living for displaced populations.

dHomed Villages

Geodesic framed domes offer uniquely sturdy and weather-resilient structures, and when insulated and heat-pump warmed, offer all-season accommodation for those in need. 6m to 8m diameter dome sizes provide comfortable dwellings for a range of family and group configurations. Toilet and shower blocks are collectively provided per number of domes, and heat-pumps configured to maintain environmental comfort for up to 6 domes simultaneously.

In addition to the multitude of accommodation Domes, larger Community Domes can be placed to facilitate community activities such as F&B, Education, Daycare, Consultation and Counselling services, Job and career placement guidance, medical, etc.

dHome Village birds eye view
dHome Dignified and Happy Family Relations

Dignified Living

dHome Villages principally aim to provide secure and comfortable dwellings where displaced people can feel 'at home’. A sanctuary where they can start to recover from recent traumatic events and periods in their lives that brought them to their current moment of greatest need. Having one’s own front door, somewhere to feel safe, warm and well situated for up to a year, can make all the difference in turning a corner, re-centering and looking forward again to life’s next chapters.

Value for Public Funding

Improvised asylum and emergency accommodation takes many forms in today’s increasingly uncertain world, where a record 120M+ people were displaced from their homes in 2024. In the UK, often uncoordinated and ad-hoc responses has lead to £8m being overspent daily on too-often substandard and over-priced piecemeal solutions, as well as unwelcoming and ill-performing policies like floating asylum barges and Rwanda extradition threats. dHome can relieve already over-stretched housing availability with far better overall value for the public purse.

dHome Value for Public Funding
Partnership with Many Charities and NGOs

Partners and Affiliates

dHome seeks to create meaningful, coordinated, and coherent partnerships with other NGOs and charitable organisations to establish a holistic approach to relieve the suffering of displaced people . By coordinating services and resources we can minimise redundancy and overlap, while optimising efficiency of delivery and application. We recognise the inherent value of limited resources, and that a coherent approach to distribution and implementation of support can significantly enhance the overall efficacy of any solution.

On-Site Services

Community-orientated services within Villages, like a Creche Dome for the village’s children, or a Medical Dome for residents to receive primary medical and dental checkups from visiting local medics, can offer immense value and relief to our residents. The sense that they are supported beyond just a shelter and food can have enormous goodwill and integration benefits to help them become better placed into UK society as they move onward.

Complete Services for Displaced People
Integration between diverse people

Local Integration

Understanding and respecting local host communities and their possible hesitancy toward immigrant populations, we intend that our villages compliment rather than conflict with their neighbours. Through local outreach and meetings with county and parish councils, we strive to help displaced people find acceptance within local communities, who are likely relieved that local public housing pressure is no longer directly affected by the residents of dHome villages.  Local residents will be invited to World Food Mondays hosted in village F&B domes, to meet, make connections and better understand their temporary new neighbours.

Current Position

flexible organisation


As an nascent CIC organisation, while creating important connections and gathering real and current situational information, we also humbly understand that there is a lot to be learnt and that  solution flexibility is essential.

respectful organisation


dHome is committed to supporting displaced populations’ needs for shelter whilst respecting British society’s need for social housing and value for tax-payers’ money.

supportive organisation


Committing 10% profits to other homeless projects/ education/ displacement relief.

sustainable organisation

Building affiliations to like-minded organisations that support the environment and planet, so that our supply chains and operations align with best eco-responsible practices.

demonstrate through actions


We'll soon have in place our first demonstration Hamlet for first full village project evaluation.

B Corp Certification


Applying for B Corp Status.

work in progress - continously developing

In Progress

We are developing and proposing dignified, durable resilient solutions that resonate with our values and objectives.

Future Development

Local organisation


All-domestic dome manufacture, providing jobs to British youth and applying the ‘Made in Britain’ stamp on dHome products, destined for the UK.  The same will apply wherever in the world we can help.

Global organisation


We shall launch our support from anywhere - our teams shall be accessible all over the planet, location will not be an obstacle to implementation. We'll provide villages to displaced populations around the world.

Commercial organisation


Sister company offering domed villages for commercial applications and private installations.

Get in touch

dHome CIC
7 Bell Yard
London WC2A 2JR
United Kingdom

(coming soon)

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