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Together We Can: Join Our Mission to Build dHome’s First Hamlet

At dHome, we envisage a future where every displaced person has the opportunity to rebuild their life with Dignity, Safety, and Hope. Our mission is to create sustainable, supportive communities through innovative housing solutions, starting with our first Hamlet of 12 domes, hopefully on the outskirts of Brighton. This initial project represents a significant step towards transforming the lives of displaced individuals and benefiting local communities and the UK govt budgets. Here’s why your support is crucial and how dHome’s approach stands to make a profound impact.

A Safe Haven for Displaced People

Displaced individuals often face severe challenges, from the trauma of leaving their home countries to the uncertainty and insecurity of asylum hotels. dHomes' Hamlet will provide a stark contrast to these inadequate living conditions. Our geodesic domes are designed to be safe, ergonomic, and sustainable. Each dHome offers a private and secure living space, fostering a sense of stability and belonging.

In our Hamlets, residents will benefit from a supportive community environment. Central to this is our philosophy of communal living, which encourages residents to engage in shared activities such as cooking, gardening, and social events. This community-focused approach helps combat the isolation many displaced people feel, promoting mental health and emotional well-being. By participating in village life, residents build relationships and develop a sense of purpose, which are crucial for their recovery and integration.

Benefits to Local Host Communities

dHomes' model extends its positive impact beyond the residents themselves. By integrating our Hamlets on the outskirts of towns like Brighton, we foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual benefit with local host communities. Our villages are designed to be temporary and leave no trace, ensuring minimal disruption to the local environment.

One of the key aspects of our integration strategy is community engagement. Initiatives like World Food Mondays, where residents cook and share meals with local community members, help break down barriers and build understanding. These interactions foster a sense of inclusivity and shared purpose, reducing potential friction and promoting social cohesion.

Furthermore, dHome residents are encouraged to contribute to the local economy through employment and volunteer opportunities. By participating in local activities and services, residents can give back to the community that supports them, creating a positive feedback loop of cooperation and goodwill.

Economic Efficiency and State Benefits

The current asylum hotel system is not only inadequate but also incredibly costly, with expenses reportedly running up to £8 million per day. dHome offers a more efficient and humane alternative. Our Hamlets are designed to provide high-quality living conditions for less than half the cost. By reducing reliance on expensive hotel accommodations, dHome can help save the UK State, and by extension every taxpayer, significant amounts of money. It is widely know that 'middle men' exist in the chain of accommodation provision at the is currently engaged, and that a significant portion of Government expenditure goes to lining the pockets of a few, rather than enhancing the lives of many.

Moreover, dHomes' approach aligns with sustainable development goals, utilising eco-friendly materials and renewable energy sources. This commitment to sustainability not only benefits the environment but also sets a standard for future housing solutions.

A Call to Action

dHomes' potential to transform lives, build stronger communities, and reduce state expenditures is immense. However, realising this vision requires collective effort and support. We invite you to Join Us in our mission to build the first dHome Hamlet on the outskirts of Brighton. Your contribution, whether through advocacy, volunteer work, or financial support, will play a crucial role in making this project a reality.

Together, we can create a future where displaced individuals are not just housed but truly welcomed and integrated into UK society. Join us in this transformative journey and help lay the foundation of hope for 10's of thousands of the UK's most vulnerable people. We are not just 'British' societally, but all part of a greater humanity. To treat and care for others, in ways that we ourselves would like to be cared for in tumultuous times, presenting our best selves, is itself a reflection of the level of our society which we represent.

Discover the profound impact of dHomes' first Hamlet, benefiting displaced people, local communities, and state spending; Join our mission to create sustainable, supportive housing solutions. [ PLEASE NOTE: Some components within this article represent dHomes' plans and activities currently in the pipeline. Some of the elements herein represent "where we're heading" more accurately than where we are already. - There is yet much to be done! ]

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