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Ecologically Minded


Low Carbon Embed

The lowest possible embodied carbon materials are considered for the dwellings and ancillary structures, to ensure dHome’s ambitious sustainability goals are met. By using a carbon management hierarchy: we avoid using carbon intensive materials, reduce the quantities of the chosen materials, and find the lowest-carbon alternatives for all construction products where possible, to reduce our impact on the planet.



Consciously Sourced

We will source food, water and general supplies using the most sustainable practices possible to further reduce our community carbon impacts: focusing on eliminating single-use plastic, and reducing transport distances for deliveries. Village allotments will allow direct access to (an admittedly minor proportion of) fresh food on site, which further eliminates carbon impacts from transportation.

Renewably Powered

Low-carbon energy sources are being explored for all the energy needs of each dHome Village, including 100% electric cooking, heating and lighting solutions. Dhome are prioritising the use of decarbonised energy through the national grid and potential on-site renewable sources to reduce our carbon impacts.




Waste Not Want Less

To reduce waste, dHomes are modular by design, and can be easily assembled and disassembled for reuse multiple times. The material choices are to be reused or recycled (as much as possible), with little to no construction waste when assembling on site. General waste reduction measures include maximised diversion from landfill via a wide range of on-site recycling opportunities and the elimination of single-use plastics and other non-recyclable materials when delivering, storing or packing food and water. Local compositing will further support allotment food growth and reduce food waste.

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